I have an opportunity to ship air cargo to you guys on June 22.
Looking to send a bunch of stuff:
Coptodon zilli
Coptodon walteri
Coptodon discolor
Coptodon cf nigrans
Pterochromis congicus
Serranochromis cf stappersi
Hemichromis exsul
Apistogramma kullanderi
Astyanax xavante
Neolamprologus nigriventris
Lufubuchromis relictus
Stometapia mongo
Abactochromis labrosus
Will update list if more become available.
Let me know what folks want -- only qualifier is I am just making ONE shipment to Bradford Airport via Southwest on Wed June 22.
Stephen Thornton
I wrote my previous post in English, the language that most of you speak and read. It was quite clear and incredibly specific. It asked you if you were interested in obtaining one or more species from Steve Thornton's list to contact me. I provided my email address. Remarkably, most of you ignored my message and messaged/emailed/called Mike Liu. Why? Mike is a lovely person, a generous and kind individual, but he's not me. So why contact him? All that accomplishes is adding a burden to Mike and totally confusing the process, which is hard enough as it is.
As you might be able to tell, I'm a bit irritated by this situation. So here is my last comment on this possible shipment: IF YOU WANT ANY FISH FROM THIS LIST YOU MUST EMAIL ME BY TOMORROW, JUNE 21, BY NOON EST.
Otherwise, forget it. And please do not email or message or call Mike Liu about this issue. Deal directly with me.
Thank you.